Monday, December 13, 2010

New Track Preview - Green Bull / Red Bull Ad Contest / Nibiru

Aloha! EyeZ here with a preview for a new track, a new remix contest, and at the end a really important video with current galactic news. Happy December - Happy Winter Solstice!

This is a preview of a brand new Original Track that was inspired by the Red Bull Ad Contest - please show your support and help us win a new sustainable Red Bull by tweeting, liking on facebook, commenting and listening here:

The full version will be released on my upcoming EP in January 2011.

"Green Bull Gives the Earth Wings"
By John Monsoon

- we already have made it to #6 out of 284 submissions within only 8 hours of posting!!! Lets take it to #1 - much love for the support!

The Pitch: Green Bull Gives the Earth Wings

Imagine, Red Bull ... one of the coolest companies in the world, took the initiative to figuratively take the “bull by the horns” with the sustainability industry, making it “cool” to be sustainable. This would be a three phase plan, beginning with this advertisement:

Ad Design:
Red Bull is taking the initiative to show people around the world that it is cool to be sustainable. The commercial showcases all of the cool athletics, events, and music that Red Bull is involved with - and makes knowledge that none of these cool things would be possible without sustainability (meaning that most of these things involve nature, like snowboarding, surfing, etc.)

For a limited time only - Red Bull will be releasing new “Green Bull” edition cans to stores worldwide (Basically same can with Green print instead of Red) .... The goal is to see if customers would make their opinions heard by “voting” (buying) the new green cans demonstrating that the average Red Bull customer would like to see Red Bull take the initiative to become a new green/sustainability pioneer.

It is known that Red Bull has taken business policies already on sustainability with its waste management and office power, etc. But this ad campaign would determine if the company should step it up based on popular opinion.

During the “voting” time period when the advertisement is airing, people have the chance to buy this new green can. Depending on the ratio of green cans to red cans will determine if Red Bull will take a new stand for the green industry. This would mean new technology of compostable cans made of hemp plastic (which would innovate the entire aluminum can industry), and make Red Bull a considerable amount of profit. Organic ingredients sourced from Fair Trade farmers. A portion of proceeds of these new “Green Bulls” would go towards sustainable energy such as solar, wind, tidal, biofuels (like hemp ethanol, and algae biodiesel) and other fuels for society’s power needs. This second phase would be the research and development phase to create the new recipe for Green Bull.

Since most music festivals have sustainable edges now - the new Green Bull could sponsor and let the world youth culture know about this through their own popular mediums. This is the third and final phase - marketing.

The advertisement would include background music by Lightning EyeZ, a new track he is releasing called “Green Bull” which, is inspired by the action sports / youth culture lifestyle, with a “hyphy” hip hop beat.

The commercial would end with “Red Bull Gives You Wings. Green Bull Gives the Earth Wings”

About John : Aloha! My name is John Monsoon aka Lightning EyeZ Artist / Producer / Musician / DJ / Entrepreneur / Hemp & Sustainability Activist / Wakeboarder / Snowboarder / Surfer

What Inspired John : The Earth and Nature, Music - and basically just really want to get involved with Red Bull - since the company is the most innovative and "cool" company in the world, especially with the youth culture - no other company has really taken us seriously since the very beginning and realized that we are a force to be reckoned with. Red Bull understands our value as action sports enthusiasts, and music fans - thus, it is very important that Red Bull help champion the other lifestyle that is rising up through our generation - which is a love for the Earth and humanity - and realizing that we must become sustainable as a society or we risk everything, Right now it is not very cool to be sustainable - but Red Bull could really change that dynamic around. Thanks for the opportunity. Much love, peace & aloha!

Also here is the new remix that Eye made for the METRIC remix contest - would really appreciate your vote on this as well - the winner gets $1,000 and a officialy release plus some other goodies - this extra cashflow would definitely help me keep making music for y'all to enjoy. Hopefully you know by now that Eye am fighting the good fight for everyone to be able to enjoy their lives.

Heres the link:

Then in finale Eye would like to say ....

That religion, government and money are devices to help control you, so you will not realize your true divinity as Children of God, and instead keep you slaves. But this is free knowledge now! Be educated! We are DIVINE!!! We are Free! We are ONE - Duality & Separatism is over! Embrace the change! We can be suprahuman again - and in fact "HU" is ancient sumerian for "GOD" = GOD MAN

Watch these Movies:

Zeitgeist: Religion / Government / Money Systems explained

(make sure to definitely watch Zeiteist Addendum too)

The FUEL Film: by Josh Tickell - about the Oil / Military / Industrial Complex and what we can do to save ourselves with green sustainable technologies that already exist

FOOD Inc. : about the Food / Monsanto / Seed Complex and what we can do to save ourselves with organic local food! Eat RAW Eat VEGAN Eat LOCAL Eat Organic Eat Fair Trade

The Secret: create the life that you want to live through the law of attraction, BASIC spirituality principles

What the Bleep Do We Know + Down the Rabbit Hole: law of attraction is proven by science via quantum physics, lots of gems in this movie - great interviews, further into spirituality and your instinctual nature

CANCER & ALL MAJOR DISEASES HAVE BEEN CURED!!! Hemp cannabis oil has been proven to cure cancer and many other major diseases, in addition to curing small symptom like medical problems too.

Run from the Cure: The Rick Simpson Story:

Hemp Cannabis (and Marijuana) have been denied traction in the 21st century because it is a plant that can heal our society and world - Hemp can be made into 25,000 different things, including food, medicine, textiles, plastics (stronger than steel), chemicals, oil (for food and fuel), concretes, insulation, paper, and much more - replacing all harmful commodities, cure carbon/global warming etc etc

“Hemp is the most important commodity that the world has ever had, in the past, in the present, and hopefully it regains its rightful throne in the future - the existence and sustainability of humanity depends on it.”

“This is a single plant that has the ability to create world peace, cure all major diseases including cancer, clothe the poor, feed the hungry, replace all metals, replace all chemicals, replace all paper products, replace all plastic products, make all repair our soils, and also power the entire economy of fuel - all done with great abundance and sustainability for all”

Grass: Documentary about the history of the prohibition of marijuana

The Emperor of Hemp: Documentary about the late hemp activist Jack Herer

and here you have it the newest and freshest in Galactic news:

The Coming Pole Shift & Planet X - Nov 18, 2010 (Part 1-4)

Please watch all FOUR!

Also if you are a book reader - these are very important books that deserve your attention:

Serpent of Light by Drunvalo

Flower of Life 1 and 2 by Drunvalo

The Lost Teachings of Atlantis by Jon Peniel

Ancient Teachings for Beginners by Douglas de Long

there are plenty more - but these will guide you to where you are seeking to go.

Look at videos from these cool cats on youtube:

Alex Collier

David Icke

Ron Paul

Alex Jones

Jesse Ventura

Too many to list - but the TRUTH is out there and the TRUTH will Prevail! We are a sustainable society with great abundance for all when we choose to do so. It is easy and only requires awakening.